Playseats evolution gaming seat reviews

The best gaming seat? Reviews of the playseats evolution gaming seat here, plus the cheapest place where you can buy it.

Playseats evolution gaming seat review, don't buy it until you have read this

The playseats evolution gaming seats are awesome. They are designed for people who wants to have the best experience on racing games. They do so by making sure you are comfortable while creating a sense of immersion in the racing environment.

The playseats evolution gaming seat is for:
  • people who are serious about racing games and wants to take their racing to the next level
  • people who are sick of racing in awkward positions and having things sliding around
  • people who loves winning
  • people who loves good quality and good reliability
A professional racing seat is mounted on a sturdily constructed base and the racing wheel can be attached to a specially constructed platform in front of the driver. This create the immersive 'snug' feeling that a professional driver can feel inside the cockpit.

Let's take a look at the features of this racing seat:
  • Ergonomic race chair with seat seat cushioning
    Dimension 52.1 x 19.7 x 38.6 inches
  • Reinforced steel tubular construction adds stability and eliminates wobble
  • Three adjustment knobs for different-sized gamers; under-seat storage compartment
  • Works with Xbox 360, GameCube, PS, PS2, and PC; for ages 8 and older
  • Works with a all types of racing wheels, such as the Logitech G25, G27, or the Microsoft Xbox 360 racing wheels
  • Easily folded into storage position
  • Easy-to-assemble design
  • If you are looking at buying one, you can get it on amazon for the cheapest online.
For what you are paying for this seat is the best of the best. You won't find anything else close in terms of value for money. There are of cause better seats out there, but you will have to pay a few times more than what you are paying for that.

Here is what this gaming seat can do for you:
more fun while having a fully immersive experience
taking your racing to the next level
racing the 'real life' way with everything right where they should be
win more races by squeezing out those crucial seconds because of the increased efficiency

Lets see what some current owners are saying about it:

Awesome!, August 25, 2007 D.Storm
I use this with my XBox 360 wheel for both Forza 2 and PGR3. You'll never go back to using a stupid desk or fold-up table like I did after using a chair like this.
I have hard tiled floor, no carpeting, no padding. If I pay attention during transition periods between game play, the stem is a little wobbly but when I'm deep into racing and throwing my body every which way, I don't notice the wobble. I suppose if I want super solid stem, I could have paid for a $1000+ unit from a competitor. Not me! I'd rather save it for my next "necessity" ... three-panel set-up for my Forza 2! Bottom line -- GREAT value ... Read full review here

Love it, better than expected, August 10, 2009 David Hofmann
I was a little skeptical about the quality, I'm 193 cm tall and 240 pounds (113 kg) and I'm not the most gentle driver. My biggest concern was that the construction would be too flimsy and the whole thing would wobble or bend. Once I was using it I was positively surprised, it more solid than I thought. Yes it moves a little, but it doesn't take you out of the game at all. This seat is designed for the Logitech G25 wheel. There are holes and screws for the G25 so installing it was super easy. Overall the whole assembly didn't take very long.
The seat itself is very nice and comfortable and seems solid enough even for my size and weight. It folds in the middle for easy storage, but don't expect too much, even when folded the whole setup is pretty large.
The driving experience with this seat and the Logitech G25 is just pure joy. I have finally found the” Read full review here

win more races

need storage space
cost $349 at the playseats website, but definitely worth it. 

You can buy it at amazon for $299.

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